Sharon Pitchford
President & Founder
My Story
I have had the pleasure to serve as Vice President of the Women’s Ministry at The Church of The Redeemed of the Lord (CRL). In 2017, I was led to the next phase to focus fully on implementing a new Women's Ministry. God placed in my heart to support women offenders.
I began carrying out the vision to build my ministry, which is in my heart and is called “Another Chance to Win, Inc (ACT, Win).” In July 2020, I realized I was specifically created with a purpose and called to the ministry to help women succeed. I have a great heart for women and a broad understanding of women's needs. ACT, Win is a designated space for women being released from prison. This place of refuge aims to enhance the well-being of all participants without discrimination based on nationality or beliefs. ACT Win's basic outcome is to transform women in a spiritually led, holistic, and supportive way.
Inspired by God, I have learned that no one can block your life's destiny. When roadblocks appear and your voice is being silenced, ask God to direct you through the detour, which leads to the success he has planned for you.
Coppin State University and University of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
Received a Master of Science Degree in Human Services Administration with a Minor in Family Counseling
Coppin State University, Baltimore, MD
Received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management
Inducted into The National Organization for Human Service Honor Society Tau Upsilon Alpha
​Work Experience and Volunteer Services
My experience as a professional includes a diversified background listed below:
A Financial Counselor at John Hopkins Hospital
A Representative Employee for multiple agencies
Division of Corrections / Parole and Probation for the State of Maryland
Towson State University
Baltimore City Public School System
Federal Government